Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Vegetable list and available season

Sl. No Local name English Availability
1 Karala Bitter gourd Throughout the year
2 Uchchay Small bitter gourd March - May
3 Jali kumra/Chal kumra Ash/Wax gourd Throughout the year
4 Kohi/Chichinga Snake gourd Throughout the year
5 Kadhu/Lao/Dudi Bottle gourd Throughout the year
6 Kakrol Teasle gourd/Kantola April - October
7 Misti Kumra Pumpkin (green)  Throughout the year
8 Purol/Dundul Sponge gourd Throughout the year
9 Patol Pointed gourd/ Tinduri/Palwal Throughout the year
10 Jinga/Tury Ridged/Ribbed gourd Throughout the year
11 Khira Small Cucumber October
12 Begun Brinjal/Egg plant/Aubergine Throughout the year
13 Lubiya/Barbati Yard Long bean Throughout the year
14 Deshi Seem Hyacinth bean October -December
15 Deshi Seem Bichi Hyacinth bean seed November
16 French bean French bean Mid-November to March
17 Motor Shuti Pea seed January-March
18 Lota/ Kachur Lati Stolon of Taro Throughout the year
19 Mukhi Kachu Eddo Throughout the year
20 Pani kachu Taro Throughout the year
21 Dudhkachu Coco Yam Throughout the year
22 Mankachu Giant Taro Throughout the year
23 Kachu Aroid Throughout the year
24 Olkachu Elephant foot Yam June -September
25 Kachu Pata Leaves of Aroid Throughout the year
26 Kachur Doga Stem of Aroid Throughout the year
27 Gool Alu Potatoes Throughout the year 
28 Misti Alu Sweet Potato March-May
29 Pesta Alu Air Potatoes April
30 Data Stem Amaranth Throughout the year
31 Marich Green Hot Chili Throughout the year
32 Naga Marich Naga Hot Chill Throughout the year
33 Capsicum Capsicum January - March
34 Derosh Okra Throughout the year
35 Kacha Papay Green Papaya Throughout the year
36 Shajna Drumstick April-June
37 Kathaler Bichi Jackfruit seed April-September
38 Kacha Kola Plantain Throughout the year
39 Kolar Thor/Mocha Banana Flower Throughout the year
40 Kolar Anaj Steam of Banana Throughout the year
41 Broccoli Broccoli December-March
42 Shabuj Pui shak Indian Spinach (green) Throughout the year
43 Lal Pui shak Indian Spinach (Pink) Throughout the year
44 Sharisa shak Mustard green Throughout the year
45 Data shak Steam Amaranth leaf Throughout the year
46 Lal shak Red Amaranth Throughout the year
47 Piaj pata Onion Leaf December-March
48 Shapla Water Lily June-August
49 Palong shak Spinach Mid November – Mid March
50 Lao shak Bottle gourd leaf Throughout the year
51 Patpata Jute leaf March - July
52 Mula Radish October-March
53 Gajor Carrot November-March
54 Pan Betel Leaf Throughout the year
55 Supari Betel Nut (Kacha) Throughout the year
56 Narikel Coconut Throughout the year
57 Kacha Aam Green Mango April- May
58 Chalta Indian dellenia August - December
59 Jalpai Indian Olive August – December
60 Kul/Boroi Ber/Jujube December - March
61 Lotkon Lotkon June - July
62 Deshi Amra Hog plum May - October
63 Kacha Kathal/Echar Jackfruit (Immature) Mid-March –Mid May
64 Ada Lebu Ada Lebu Throughout the year
65 Jara Lebu Jara Lebu Throughout the year
66 Elachi Lebu Lemon Throughout the year
67 Satkora Satkora Throughout the year
68 Kagozi Lebu Lime Throughout the year

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