Tuesday, April 21, 2015

About Us

Green Vez is a professionally managed firm actively engaged in the selling  Agent of  Fish and agro based commodity in Bangladesh. 

We are full service provider with customers throughout Europe,Asia, Latin America and North America including USA& Canada. We are qualified to supply a wide range of Shrimps and seafood from Bangladesh. For avoiding any of cross-contamination every processing department is separated and every department is equipped with sufficient facilities. Worker are also ware different color apron maintaining color code based on HACCP principles. 


                The company uses different types of packaging according to the product specifications. These include Plastic Bag, Plastic Bag with Rider, paper Box etc according to specifications. Individual packs may vary from 250gm to 2kg in a single retail pack to a 6 kg to 12 kg bulk carton. The weighing machine records data for all the products that pass through and reports any faults. After weighing and packaging, all frozen items are passed through an automatic metal detector to identify any metal foreign bodies or particles inside the package .

Master cases are labeled, loaded onto pallets, which are strapped with plastic or PVC Tape and labeled. Palletized products are taken directly from the cold store into freezer containers at -18°C for sea freighting. In general every plant has won transport to ensure safe transport of the products from factory to seaport.

Master Packing

Quality control and food safety

Regarding safety and quality management issues in Bangladesh, it is mostly oriented to products from post-harvest handling to product processing steps following control :--

 Measures based on HACCP principles. The existing Fish and Fish Products Ordinance (Fish Inspection and Quality Control Act, 1983 and revised amended in 1997) needs to have some corrections and additions to comply with the existing legal requirements of food safety regulations as well to improve the quality and safety management system for shrimps.






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